On the Rise: Winemaker Nate Moore
Not everyone knows what they are destined to be when they grow up, but for Nathaniel Moore, he was absolutely certain that he wanted to be a traveling businessman in pursuit of civil justice, financial success, and a higher truth. But as the son of a winemaker, many thought that the draw of family and the beauty and bounty of the Finger Lakes might call him back someday.
Finding Place
After studying business management at Fort Lewis College, Nate soon realized that he longed for the beautiful Finger Lakes as the place he was meant to be. He returned home, and enrolled in the Viticulture and Enology Program at Finger Lakes Community College in order to join his father, Tim Moore, in the family winemaking business at Inspire Moore Winery in Naples, New York.
Founded in 2007, with the first vintages a 2006 Riesling and Syrah, Inspire Moore produces more than 12 different wines, including Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Traminette, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and the recently award-winning ‘Best of NY state’ Blaufrankisch. Inspire Moore has recently introduced Zweigelt and Gruener Veltliner to their portfolio as these are cool climate varieties that held a particular interest to Tim Moore from his time spent studying winemaking in Austria.
The wines at Inspire Moore are named after positive ideals that its original owner, Tim Moore (above) wanted to inspire more of: Joy, Love, Peace, Truth, Wisdom and so on.
Beginning a New Path
In 2019, Moore graduated from FLCC with an incredible amount of excitement and energy to work alongside his father at Inspire Moore as an Assistant Winemaker. However, things took a turn for the worse in the summer of 2019 when his father passed away after a long battle with metastasized melanoma.
Suddenly, Nate became the head winemaker at Inspire Moore at only 21 years old, making him one of the youngest in the country.
Nate Moore leads a wine tasting while his mother, and owner of Inspire Moore Winery, Diane listens in.